TOGAF - Core Concepts

I learned the following core concepts 

  • Architecture Development Method (ADM) 
  • Enterprise Continuum 
  • Architecture Repository 
  • And much more 

Architecture Development Method (ADM) 

Sequential phases 

Eight phases A to H

Preliminary phase and Requirements Management Phase. 

Iterative process 

Baseline and Target Architecture 

Some more Definitions 


- Contractually specified and formally reviewed agreed by stakeholder. 

- Represents Output of Project 


- Architectural work product that describes an aspect of architecture 

Building Block 

- Potentially reusable IT/business component 

- Architectural and Solution Building block 

Enterprise Continuum 


- Generic Architecture 

- Organization Specific Architecture

Enterprise Continuum 

- View of architecture repository 

- Most generic architecture on left and specific architecture on left 

Architecture Repository  

To store architectural output at different level of abstraction. 

Supports Enterprise continuum 

Architecture Repository Component 

Architecture meta-model 

    Describes the organizationally tailored application of an architecture framework. 

Architecture Capability 

    Defines the parameters, structures, and processes that support governance of the Architecture           Repository 

Architecture Landscape 

    Which shows the architectural view of solutions/applications that are in organization today. 

Standards Information base 

    Includes industry standard, external standards selected products and services from vendor. 

Reference Library 

    Provides guidelines, templates, patterns, and other forms of reference material 

Governance Log 

    Which record  of governance activity across enterprise

Architecture Requirements Repository\

    Provides a view of all authorized architecture requirements which have been agreed with the                   Architecture Board

 Solution Landscape

    Presents an architectural representation of the SBBs supporting the Architecture Landscape which         have been planned or deployed by the enterprise

Reference for this section

TOGAF Architecture Repository Structure


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