TOGAF - Practice Exam Notes – Core and Basic Concepts

Enterprise Architecture EA 9.2 Practice Exam – Core and Basic Concepts  

1) The TOGAF standard is a FRAMEWORK AND METHOD for architecture development – one of the statements best describes the TOGAF standard 

2) Why you need a framework for enterprise: Architecture design is complex, Using a framework can speed up the process, Using a framework ensures more complete coverage, A framework provides a set of tools and a common vocabulary

3) The Technical Reference Model – is not considered one of the main constituent parts of the TOGAF document   

4) Pattern Architecture - is not commonly accepted as part of the enterprise architecture addressed by the TOGAF standard (BDAT) 

5) Part II – Architecture Development Method (ADM) – provides a number of architecture development phases

6) Phase A – Architecture Vision – is the initial phase of an Architecture Development Cycle

7) Phase G – Implementation Governance – provides oversight of the implementation

8) Phase A - Architecture Vision – includes the creation and approval of the Architecture Vision document

9) Phase C – Requirements Architecture – not a phase of the ADM 

10) An artifact – defined as a work product that describes an aspect of an architecture 

11) The Enterprise Continuum is A model for classifying artifacts 

12) The Reference Library – component of Architecture Repository provides guidelines, templates, and patterns that can be used to create new architectures


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