Launching and Managing a Web Application with AWS CloudFormation


In this lab you will learn how to use AWS CloudFormation to provision and update a web application with a number of supporting AWS products and services, including Auto Scaling groups, Amazon Elastic Cloud Compute (EC2) instances, and Elastic Load Balancing.

In the first part you will create a simple resource, an Amazon S3 bucket, with AWS CloudFormation and you will look at different retention policies applied when you delete an AWS CloudFormation stack or during a rollback.

In the second part, you will provision a simple PHP web application using an Amazon Linux instance. You will then see how to re-apply an AWS CloudFormation template to the existing application to change some resource attributes such as an Amazon EC2 instance type. Finally, you will add a load balancer and an Auto Scaling group based on an Auto Scaling configuration.


By the end of this lab, you will be able to:

  • Create an Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) bucket using AWS CloudFormation
  • Provision a simple PHP web application using an Amazon Linux AMI
  • Apply an AWS CloudFormation template to an existing application
  • Modify an existing application using AWS CloudFormation
  • Add IAM roles and Elastic Load Balancing to the application using AWS CloudFormation


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